
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Favorite Holiday THINGS.....

 Looking back on the last 2 weeks......what were YOUR favorite things? 3 of mine are right here....
Grandma's little cookie testers and tasters......Loved making cookies with them in December.....
Seeing the smiles while we bake and play in the kitchen.....
And taste test all our cookies of course.......
  Another one of my FAVORITE THINGS  was
watching a 3 and 4 year old Christmas Dance Recital....hysterical and heartwarming!

This was a present to myself.....a year of Taste of Home go with this cool cookbook!  I love this combo! and I'll use it all year long....Woot!  (do YOU buy yourself presents too? If are my

I LOVE cooking....and I love cookbooks with pictures....and I love cooking blogs too.....
My husband got me this absolutely cool "Bridge" camera from is like a DSLR in clarity and lens,
but it is idiot proof for dummies in the photog department like me.....I can snap a picture in the middle
of taking a COOL IS THAT?   yEAh!  I LOVE this.....

When I turn it on the lens cap pops off and hangs by a ribbon....yeah that's another thing I LOVE about it!
No messing with lens caps and worrying if you are going to lose it or forget to put it
back in your camera bag!  (can you tell I have forgotten stuff like that?....ahem....yes...well....I'm a
creative sort......not an organized kind of mind.......)
Cheering for peppermint ring pops.....I scream you scream.....we all scream.....for    RING POPS!
Aren't they the bee's knees?   Yeah....they are so cute..... and watching my hubs
play "Cootie" with them?   Oh yeah......VERY priceless.....

Me being a happy camper....after all the buying, wrapping, cooking, baking, stressing...
it's finally all ready on Christmas Day.....and I can finally PLAY!  It's that moment
before anybody comes down to eat or open anything when you look around and say...
I FRICKIN DID THIS! work is done here.....

Hot cinnamon rolls just out of the oven before the cream cheese icing is slathered on...
can I get a cheer for mom?  Oh yes.....these babies cause grown men to cry....
Okay I'm kidding there....but they ARE goody, yummy and perfect! 

My famous and traditional breakfast brunch casserole....Yummy! 
It's one of my favorite things getting the family together for brunch at the table to eat yummy food
and have great conversation and doesn't get any better than this folks....Family!

I love the little kiddie table I make up for every holiday....My 2 girlies love it too......yay!  

Happy laughter and chaos reining and ripped up wrapping paper to jump in!  

Neighbors who deliver homemade yummy stuff to your door! I just  LOVE THAT!  
Homemade Christmas cards out of kitchen stuff (Karo syrup and food coloring)  mmhmmm.......
Seeing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert......with  my peeps.....

And enjoying all the lights of the season.......So pretty....

These are a few of my favorite things....

Hope you get a year full of favorite things in 2012....


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