
Monday, August 6, 2012

Teriyaki Chicken Rice Bowl like Pei Wei

I love going to Pei Wei for Chinese food. My favorites there are the crab wontons and the Teriyaki Chicken bowl.  That place really rocks. I love the neon lights and watching the chefs cook in the giant woks.
Teriyaki-Orange Chicken Rice Bowl 

3 Chicken Breasts seasoned with garlic salt, season salt and lemon pepper
2 medium carrots sliced thinly
1/4 cup red onion
1/4 cup red, orange or green pepper
1/2 cup chopped cabbage in 1/2 inch chunks
6 mushrooms sliced thin
1/3 cup sugar snap peas
a few shakes garlic salt
1/4 cup orange sauce mixed with 1/4 cup teriyaki sauce (or more if you like more sauce) I like the bottled Panda Orange sauce and the Ebarra Spicy Teriyaki sauce.
a slight pinch red pepper flakes (optional)

Today I had a yen for some chinese food. But you know, it's just veggies and rice with some stir fried chicken. So I decided to experiement and see if I've got the Pei Wei taste down.

I like to add the Orange sauce with the Teriyaki makes a yummy sauce! 

I decided to use the veggies I had in my fridge, which were, 1/4 of a red and green pepper, 4 mushrooms, some carrots, pea pods, some celery and some cabbage and red onion. Use whatever you have in your fridge. If you love broccoli or bok choy, you could add that instead of some of the others. The picture below shows my teriyaki sauce. I like the taste of the Ebara brand.
I love cabbage with the rice, so I add the chopped cabbage the LAST MINUTE to the rice cooker, just so it gets SLIGHTLY STEAMED. I like it still crunchy but I want it to barely wilt in the rice steamer....

 Be sure and wash your rice so it will not be super sticky. I do 1 1/2 water to 1 cup of rice in a rice cooker. So if you do 2 cups of rice, use 3 cups of water and a few shakes of salt.

Here are my veggies after stir frying them....I just put a lid on the bowl till everything else was ready...
Then I chopped veggies thin (except for the cabbage, chop that in fat pieces) then stir fried the veggies with a few tablespoons of oil in a stainless steel pan.  I ended up with about 2 cups of veggies. I put them aside in a bowl with a lid to keep them warm.
Seasoned chicken breasts...I cut them up into 1 1/4 inch pieces to stir fry them....
After 3 minutes on each side I added the sauce and coated the Teriyaki chicken pieces....

Then I had been seasoning the boneless chicken breasts in the fridge for a few hours with lemon pepper and garlic and some seasoning salt.  Then I sliced the chicken up into 1 1/4 inch pieces and fried them in a grilling steel pan, adding another bit of oil. I turned them after about 3 minutes on each side.
Teriyaki-Orange Chicken Rice Bowl

Then I added the sauce and simmered the chicken for a few minutes turning them in the sauce. Lastly, I added the warm veggies, coating them in the sauce. The sauce is completely made, you only need to warm it up. And boy is it delicious! You can get the Panda orange sauce from Costco.

Here's my finished Pei Wei Teriyaki Chicken with rice and stir fried vegetables. Yummy and healthy too.

I think this recipe is the hub's favorite of all the foods I cook!  Try it. 

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