
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chicken Enchilada Casserole.

Well my husband's birthday was this week and so I had the whole family over for dinner including my in laws. It was fun to let off some fireworks for my little grand kids too. He hit 55 so everybody was teasing him about being a senior citizen! (hmmmm.....I wonder if we get movie discounts now?)

My in laws Merlene and Don and Johnny is in the back.  

 I made 2 pies instead of birthday cake; fresh peach and fresh strawberry pie. I think I'm on a pie kick.

Here's the Drink Tub my daughter did the lettering on before the party.
She's got a cool "Cricut" machine. I love those things!

Strawberries for the Strawberry pie...Link HERE for my Strawberry Pie Recipe and Directions.
Fresh peaches for the Peach pie!
The main dish was a chicken enchilada casserole. It is just as yummy as chicken enchiladas but a lot quicker and easier to make. Here is the recipe;

Enchilada Casserole Ingredients

  • 3 1/2 to 4 cups cubed cooked chicken (I used 3 breasts and 2 thighs de-boned)
  • 1 (4 ounce) can diced green chilies
  • 1/2 tub of sour cream regular size
  • 1 plus cups of milk (just enough for a thick, rich, soupy texture)
  • 2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup
  • 1 small jar of medium salsa
  • 1  onion, finely chopped and slightly browned (leave a crunch in them)
  • 12 or more corn tortillas
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar or Mexican mix  cheese
After cubing the chicken I mix the onions and all the sauces and chilies together and add the milk.  Then spray a 9 x 13 pan with Pam. Layer torn tortillas (I tear into thirds) into the bottom of the pan overlapping. Then spread a layer of the chicken mixture. Top that with cheese. Repeat with the tortillas, then chicken, then cheese. It should use up all your tortillas.  If you have more then use a meat loaf pan ( I usually do) and layer the remaining and freeze it for a future lunch date! Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes covered with foil. Let set for 15 minutes on the stove to be able to cut it into squares. It is always gobbled right up. Then longer it sets the easier it is to cut. I try to have it finished 30 minutes before people sit down to eat.

Chicken Enchilada Casserole! Yummy!

It looks kind of pink and soupy when it goes in the oven, but trust me it tastes yummy. It is even better the next day warmed up in the microwave. And it is easy to take to work for lunch. You can taste the green chilis and the tomatoes from the salsa and it is yummy with those cubes of chicken and the cheesiness.

Fresh Spinach Salad...Good and Good FOR you!

My peach and strawberry pie were gobbled right up too. I bought new larger pie dishes to make enough for a crowd. But alas, even then, there were not many leftovers on this one.  I also made spinach salad with candied pecans, strawberries, red onion, mushrooms and avocado. And of course I used my yellow squash and zuchini from my garden and made my zuchini casserole side dish. The  Link for Zuchini Casserole is HERE.

Easy to make toasted candied pecans...just add regular sugar and dust
 with cinnamon and toast them in a pan! Keep adding sugar till pecans are good and covered.

It's probably my favorite salad of all time. I make a raspberry vinaigrette to go over it and it is a fun, sweet salad with a kick. Pass the toasted pecans around in a small bowl with the salad so they don't lose their crunch. Also some people have nut allergies so it's best not to add it to the salad. The link for Spinach Salad is HERE.

Spinach, avocado, strawberries, red onion, mushrooms and toasted sweet pecans.
He got some cute presents from my kids too. I think this one from my daughter was his favorite since he closely follows the Tour de France. :D He is a biker dude through and through. I think he wore it all the next day!

John is a Mark Cavendish and George Hincapie fan and follows the Tour de France.

These girls cut up all the fruit for my pies for me! Caitlin and Tiffany...great kitchen staff!  

 I hope he enjoyed his birthday party! Here are some more of the guests.... 

My daughter Tiffany, granddaughter Marisa and Gary

My granddaughter Little Josie, Wendy and my son, Jeff.

And my little shadows Megan and Marisa....I caught them on the stairs and made them pose for a picture.  Happy Birthday Grandpa!
We love you can we go in the "coozie"? (jacuzzi)
Doesn't she look like she's thinking up some mischief?  Mmmmhmmm...she usually is..... 

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